International Clinical Hypnotherapist

Live Life’s Greatest Joys.
Fulfill Your Potential.

International Hypnotherapist

Live Life’s Greatest Joys.
Fulfill Your Potential.


Tap into Your Most Powerful Resource.

Align with the Intelligence Within You.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a complete model for reaching your goals and your full potential. It is science-based and time-tested. You can trust the process and yourself.

All you need to bring is your desire…

Tap into Your Most Powerful Resource.


Align with the Intelligence Within You.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a complete model for reaching your goals and your full potential. It is science-based and time-tested. You can trust the process and yourself.

All you need to bring is your desire…

An Endless Positive Resource Within Awaits You

Deep within you is an endless resource, like a cool fresh spring constantly flowing what you need to you. Most people haven’t learned how to access it.

Hypnotherapy teaches you how to locate it and become the full-time receiver of its wisdom, nourishment and rejuvenation.

You deserve to be healthy, prosperous and joyful each and every day.


Be Who You are Meant to Be

You have a destiny to fulfill. Deep down inside, you already have all the answers within you. Your subconscious mind knows everything that you need in order to become who you are meant to be. Hypnotherapy can help you access and unleash that wisdom. Learn how to release your limiting self-talk currently in charge of your life, and begin to follow your own wise path.


Reach Your Goals

You matter and so do your goals. To live your life with joy and purpose it’s important to develop a personal practice that continuously feeds that momentum. Clinical Hypnotherapy provides you with your custom practice. Our sessions together are designed and tailored to your specific needs, that your subconscious mind reveals to us. Reach your target goals, release unhealthy habits and align with your purpose.


Contribute to Humanity

When we help each other become our best by tapping into our own deep inner resources, we become a united community of positive reinforcement for good! There is no lack within us, only the misunderstanding of how to access and harness the potential of your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy can help you become your best self, and from that place you will naturally inspire others. Look around… your unique and special gifts are needed, right now.


Be Who You are Meant to Be

You have a destiny to fulfill. Deep down inside, you already have all the answers within you. Your subconscious mind knows everything that you need in order to become who you are meant to be. Hypnotherapy can help you access and unleash that wisdom. Learn how to release your limiting self-talk currently in charge of your life, and begin to follow your own wise path.


Reach Your Goals

You matter and so do your goals. To live your life with joy and purpose it’s important to develop a personal practice that continuously feeds that momentum. Clinical Hypnotherapy provides you with your custom practice. Our sessions together are designed and tailored to your specific needs, that your subconscious mind reveals to us. Reach your target goals, release unhealthy habits and align with your purpose.


Contribute to Humanity

When we help each other become our best by tapping into our own deep inner resources, we become a united community of positive reinforcement for good! There is no lack within us, only the misunderstanding of how to access and harness the potential of your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy can help you become your best self, and from that place you will naturally inspire others. Look around… your unique and special gifts are needed, right now.

Practical Uses for Clinical Hypnotherapy

Medical Support
Clinical Hypnotherapy is a great resource for adjunct medical support. It can assist with pain management, shorter recovery times, pre and post-surgery assistance, accelerated healing, immune support and more.
From weight control to smoking cessation, to getting a great night sleep, hypnotherapy can help address the root causes of what may be preventing you from achieving your goals.
Because we work at the subconscious level, we’re able to discover your self-identity beliefs and shift them to more positive reinforcing new truths about you. You are meant to live your best life.
Accelerated Learning/ Memory/ Test Taking/Public Speaking
Clinical Hypnotherapy can assist you with improving memory and accelerated learning, as well as feelings of fear and anxiousness around public speaking and test taking.
Access deep inner wisdom stored within your subconscious mind about your divine path and purpose. This is some of the most rewarding and powerful information we can discover about ourselves, that drives and reinforces positive emotions and behavior, many times rather effortlessly.
Personal Growth/ Goal Achievement
Clinical hypnotherapy can help remove roadblocks in the way of achieving your goals and living your daily life with joy and meaning. You are meant to be living with a sense of excitement, wonder, abundance and purpose. Your subconscious mind knows the way.
Emotional Recovery
Everyone has negative experiences that shape how we think, feel and behave. With clinical hypnotherapy we can alleviate much of the dense emotional pain we tend to carry, through saturating the subconscious mind with closely aligned positive imagery and affirmations. Because this is specific to the clients needs, many times this work results in profound shifts in consciousness.
Natal and Past Life Regression
Unconsciously we tend to recreate the circumstances of our birth over and over again in our lives. This is very powerful to understand.  With natal regression therapy we gain wisdom from this and achieve self-mastery vs channeling your parent’s emotions and limiting beliefs throughout your life unconsciously.  We learn to solve current day relationship and family issues caused by limited programming accepted during womb time, birth and early childhood.
If other processes are not productive or have not completely cleared the issue and you believe in the karmic wheel of reincarnation, past life regression therapy is many times the answer. With past life regression therapy, you can learn your personal relationship dynamic and solve relationship issues, as well as connect with resources, talents and abilities from previous incarnations. You will grow spiritually in both wisdom and knowledge, working to free yourself from the conditioned mind. In my experience, these sessions tend to be very profound.

As an IBH Certified Hypnotherapist, I can help you achieve profound and lasting results.

Hi! I’m Meg,

I’m a Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist and Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy. As an IBH Certified Hypnotherapist and a graduate of the prestigious Hypnotherapy Academy of America, my professional training and education ranks amongst the top 5% of hypnotherapists in the United States. I present a free Hypnotherapy video segment on an internet tv show reaching tens of thousands of people every month, and to date, I have helped people in over nine countries reach their goals and heal!

I have an insatiable thirst for living the joys of life every day and empowering others to do the same. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to consistently accomplish your goals and live with enormous joy?  If so, you are in the right place!

However, this website comes with an important warning.  You may find yourself feeling inspired and hopeful. It’s what I do and it’s exceptionally contagious.

My clients reach their goals and see remarkable results ranging from deep and profound personal growth to health breakthroughs.

I was struggling to feel confidence and comfortable with the thought of my business being successful and as you can imagine, I was sabotaging the evolution of my work in many ways…. unconsciously of course. I knew it was a silly thought but somehow, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get rid of it. So, I ended up in a loop, repeating mistakes and behaviors that didn’t allow me to evolve my business.

And then came Meg! I cannot imagine a more capable person to work with. Her energy is kind, loving but also sharp and crystal clear. This amazing woman knows what she is doing and which ‘buttons” push within you, in order to release whatever blocks you. We have done our second session and already things are shifting. I follow her instructions to the letter and day by day I see big differences in the way I think and feel. The mist around my fears is dissolving and I can see – without anxiousness or fear – how successful my business is becoming. Meg listens to my subconscious mind and helps me reprogram it, overwriting whatever past beliefs hold me back.

Every session is a wonder! I realize things I never could have imagined. Everyday I wake up, I see things differently… without forcing myself to do any progress. Hypnotherapy itself changes me daily and changes my actions to. I have a clear vision about my business model I want and how successful it can be. Step by step I’m changing things, feeling comfortable with whatever I’m doing… when I used to feel only anxiousness and fear.

I’m looking forward to my next session with Meg and I will write more comments as our work evolves.

If you are considering trying Hypnotherapy with Meg, I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Are you ready for change?
Together we can!

Start with a free and completely confidential  30 minute conversation.