As summer begins to fade and fall approaches, (I’m definitely a “sweatah weathah” gal 🍁) this is a great time to self-reflect on your thoughts from January as you began a new year.

Are you following through with your plans or did the loud and busy world help you go unconscious? Don’t worry if you did, this video is going to inspire you and wake up your cells!

This month I wanted to discuss the concept of having a “North Star.”

So, what is a North Star? A North Star is the dream, the dream that burns in your belly no matter what your age, no matter what your education, it’s the vision you have in your head that drives you forward.

Most people lose their north star over time. We talk ourselves out of believing that we can ever accomplish our north star. We rationalize about how the world this and my body that and we start to “should” on ourselves. “I should just be grateful for what I have.” Yes, absolutely, but not like that…. not like a consolation prize.

Research has proven that our nervous system takes cues from our thoughts, emotions, and mental states, which in turn impacts our physiological conditions. This is so important to realize!

I’ve got a lot to explore with you. Let’s dive in.


If you haven’t already downloaded my free audio to better cope with stress, I highly recommend doing so. You can find it at the bottom of the page.

If you are looking for support to help you feel more connected and you’d like to investigate the potentials of Clinical Hypnotherapy, I invite you to book a FREE 30-minute consult with me.

Fill in the form right over there —>

This video is not intended to disrespect anyone’s beliefs in any way. It is an offering of resources from a Clinical Hypnotherapist to help provide access to one’s own inner resources, engage parasympathetic drive and assist nervous system regulation.

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Here you will find FREE Articles and Videos to help you understand what Hypnotherapy is and how it can powerfully assist you. There are also Master Courses and hypnosis audios for sale in my shop on specific topics to help you get started.

For those who are ready and want to work with me personally, I suggest you register for a free 30-minute consultation with me here. There, we can determine the best session package for you and get you booked in.

Because I am usually booked out two months in advance, I created a free audio to get you started with a strong self-hypnosis practice. Please find my FREE self-hypnosis audio to help you better cope with stress at the bottom of this page. This way when we start your session work, you will quickly enter into a deeper hypnotic state from having already created a practice. I want you to succeed!

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a complete model for reaching your goals and your full potential. It is science-based and time-tested. You can trust the process and yourself.

All you need to bring is your desire…