Dear Meg,
For the first time I can now think of my dad without crippling emotion or being entirely affected. I have more memories and I can see the timeline of events with my sisters and mum and their dysfunctional behavior around my dad’s illness and how it initially affected me as a byproduct and was not about me or done to me purposely.
I see now how my dad gave me all the special attention he could during that time and I realize now it wasn’t only about me. As a loving parent I can see now that he was capturing all he could with me in the time he had left!
You gave me the capability to see the wider picture through adult loving eyes for the FIRST TIME. I could release the anger, confusion, guilt and pain of my 13 year old self and it’s helped me gain so much understanding, admiration, respect and empathy for my two sisters and my mum.
My prison of hell for 43 years blinded me. I see them all so differently now.
You have not only set me free of the many chains around this event, you also gave me the gift of new memories and a better bond with my mum and sisters and well, it’s made me a better evolving version of myself. My work with you has had a ripple effect on everything in my life!
With gratefulness and much love xxx
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