In this video I speak about the concept of “cascade healing,” what it is and how it works. In Clinical Hypnotherapy this term is important, we as humans can become comfortable in our programming, which looks like stories we tell ourselves to make sense of or justify our current experiences and perceptions. When we look with a closer lens, we start to unravel questionable beliefs we’ve taken on as truths.
As those begin to collapse, cascade healing can and many times does occur. Why is this important? Well, for starters, it means you don’t need to heal every single compounding experience of pain you’ve lived in your past. With the right work, you can experience a compounding cascade of healing right up to your present moment.
Tune in to hear the full segment.
Wishing you health, wealth and joy in your life.
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For those who are ready and want to work with me personally, I suggest you register for a free 30-minute consultation with me here. There, we can determine the best session package for you and get you booked in.
Because I am usually booked out two months in advance, I created a free audio to get you started with a strong self-hypnosis practice. Please find my FREE self-hypnosis audio to help you better cope with stress at the bottom of this page. This way when we start your session work, you will quickly enter into a deeper hypnotic state from having already created a practice. I want you to succeed!
Clinical Hypnotherapy is a complete model for reaching your goals and your full potential. It is science-based and time-tested. You can trust the process and yourself.
All you need to bring is your desire…