Hi, I’m Christiana, and I have a small business. I’m in the second week of my sessions with Meg and I felt the urge to share my first testimonial about our work together.  I was struggling to feel confidence and comfortable with the thought of my business being successful and as you can imagine, I was sabotaging the evolution of my work in many ways…. unconsciously of course. I knew it was a silly thought but somehow, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get rid of it. So, I ended up in a loop, repeating mistakes and behaviors that didn’t allow me to evolve my business.

And then came Meg! I cannot imagine a more capable person to work with. Her energy is kind, loving but also sharp and crystal clear. This amazing woman knows what she is doing and which ‘buttons” push within you, in order to release whatever blocks you. We have done our second session and already things are shifting. I follow her instructions to the letter and day by day I see big differences in the way I think and feel. The mist around my fears is dissolving and I can see – without anxiousness or fear – how successful my business is becoming. Meg listens to my subconscious mind and helps me reprogram it, overwriting whatever past beliefs hold me back.

Every session is a wonder! I realize things I never could have imagined. Everyday I wake up, I see things differently without forcing myself to do any progress. Hypnotherapy itself changes me daily and changes my actions too. I have a clear vision about my business model I want and how successful it can be. Step by step I’m changing things, feeling comfortable with whatever I’m doing, when I used to feel only anxiousness and fear.

I’m looking forward to my next session with Meg and I will write more comments as our work evolves. If you are considering trying Hypnotherapy with Meg, I cannot recommend her highly enough!

– Christiana Bailey