How revisiting a past life can help you tremendously today.

Are there skills you’ve already mastered in one lifetime that could really help you now? What if you could travel back to one of those lives and recall a special ability and integrate it into this life?

You can.

Albert Einstein used to lie on his sofa in the middle of the day, with a small ball-bearing in his hand and drop into hypnosis. He would take any issue he was struggling with and use hypnosis to access his superconscious mind. If he accidentally fell asleep, he would drop the ball-bearing and wake himself up. He credited hypnosis for his Theory of Relativity. In fact, Einstein wrote that he could dream while awake and believed great discoveries in science were made through intuitive “thought experiments.”

So, if Einstein used hypnosis to access his superconscious mind and solve any problems in the present moment, so, can you. Thomas Edison used hypnosis every day to create the light bulb. Once he began accessing his superconscious mind, he was successful. Mozart composed his famous opera “Cosi fan Tutte” while in hypnosis. You see, the superconscious mind is the divine problem solving intelligence. It knows every solution to every problem and you have lived thousands of lives. Being able to travel to a specific one that can help you problem solve right now, or move forward with bravery and courage knowing you have what it takes to succeed, or integrate deep self-love, would be tremendously helpful don’t you think?

Join me for a very special 3-hour event, where you will experience traveling back to just the right lifetime that can and will assist you right now. Imagine integrating a deep level of wisdom and knowledge that inspires you to make changes in your business model and then it thrives. Imagine having the courage to launch your business because you see that you’ve already done this before and you were a huge success. Imagine loving yourself and your body so much that you release your self-doubt or lack of trust, because you revisit a life where you lived and loved so completely as yourself.  It’s all there, within you. Sometimes we just need to learn how to access it and integrate it to help us right now.

In one of my past life regressions to a positive skill, I traveled back to old Victorian times. I had wild curly red hair all piled up on top of my head and was wearing a very expensive dress. I was walking along the street with a satchel under my left arm. I walked into a printer’s office and delivered a manuscript. It was penned by a man’s name, but I knew it was mine! I pretended to deliver it on behalf of “my husband.” It was a booklet on how to grow your money. When I picked up the printed copies, I took them to a small room inside a hotel where I was meeting other women – who wanted to become independent. We were meeting in secret and sharing our skills. I had a great skill with making money, even though I pretended all my wealth was family owned. It wasn’t. I had amassed a good fortune and I was going to teach other women how to do it too.

So, how did that help me today? Well, I have to say, that I’ve revisited that lifetime a few times now, first, it explained my deep passion of working to empower women to have it all. I work with male clients too, but there is something extra special about helping another woman believe in herself and get out there and do it! I can also say that ever since I integrated this regression, my income has increased even more. My one to one sessions are usually booked out two months in advance, all the time. I can say that now there is just a “knowing” of “this is who I am and what I do.” Notice I didn’t say “what I can do,” but what I do. There is a firm integration that came from knowing not only is it happening, it’s already been done. The key is, when your mind believes it and accepts it, it simply goes out and creates it. This is the true power of Past Life Regression to a positive skill or attribute.

Limited Early Discount! $119.00 USD.
(My sessions are $190, so this is a substantial savings.)
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